Welcome note from Chairman of NBF
Contemporary African leaders face daunting challenges. Popular images we have of the continent and its people are those of poverty, sickness, deprivation, hopelessness, oppression, dictatorship etc - a stereotype of what some have come to dub "the African condition".
Contemporary African leadership must change all this. It must ensure the development of a healthy sense of history. The leadership that shall make Africans succeed must be authentically African in outlook, orientation and foresight. Those that support Africa can help and encourage us, but in the final analysis, Africa will be the instrument of her own salvation.
It is in this regard - the crying need for pertinent, appropriate leadership - that the NEPAD Business Foundation and Wits Business School and the School of Public and Development Management have joined forces to offer the African Leadership Programme; a bold initiative designed to develop leaders from the private, public and non-governmental sectors. The leadership development Programme will heed the challenges facing contemporary Africa and will be designed to address these frontally in the context of a rapidly globalizing environment.
It is our wish, that candidates emerge from the Programme with a view of life that predisposes them to prefer delivery over pronouncements, expertise and competence over title and position, shaping events over control, developing mindsets over merely setting goals; characterized at core by great personal integrity and exceptional organizational capabilities.
Doctor Reuel Khoza
Chairman - NEPAD Business Foundation
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